Women can make the world better GS 1: Women Context The global, male-dominated, capitalist system of business and society requires a transformation. Putting Male-Centric Economic Views to the Test · Unbalance in Economic Narratives: The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was notably ...
Women, marriage and labour market participation GS 1: Women Context · The Economics Nobel laureate this year, Claudia Goldin, noted that "there are still large differences between women and men in terms of what they do, how they're remunerated, and so on." Goldin was recognized "for having a...
The measure of the working woman GS 1: Society Context The economy benefits greatly from the unpaid household work performed by women, which accounts for 7.5% of GDP despite being frequently disregarded. Women's Unpaid Labor and Economic Development · Double weight of Unpaid Work: Indian ...
Not just nine months GS 1: Society Context The court's appraisal of a woman's circumstances during a hearing for a 26-week abortion, taking the child's birth rights into consideration, has taken the place of the woman's assessment of her incapacity to carry out her pregnancy. Extending the 2021 Amen...
Gender Reality Check GS 1: Women, Society Context It is a noteworthy accomplishment in and of itself that Claudia Goldin has been awarded the Nobel Economic Prize, which recognizes her groundbreaking work in gendered labour markets by exposing inequities, occupational segregation, and policy ramific...