Questions over Employment

GS -3: Economy


A recent increase in the number of women working raises certain concerns.

Growing Rate of Female Employment

· Increase in Participation: In India, the percentage of women who are in the labor force increased significantly, especially in rural areas. It went from 18.2% in 2017–18 to 30.5% in 2022–2023. The worker population ratio dramatically increased across a range of educational backgrounds, including graduates and the uneducated.

· Types of Employment: One notable finding is the rise in self-employment, mostly in small businesses owned by households. These workers' lack of regular wage employment highlights the dearth of opportunities for salaried work.

· NREGA and Economic Trends: Women's participation increased under NREGA, suggesting a preference for lower-paying jobs. The slowdown in the non-farm sector contributed to financial distress despite the healthy growth in agriculture, which may have led to a rise in female labor participation.

An Examination of Participation Rate Trends

· Data from the Periodic Labour Force Survey: Looking at the data over time, the years 2019–20, 2022–2023 and 2020–21 saw the biggest increases in female labor participation. While non-farm sectors saw a slowdown brought on by financial constraints—most notably the NBFC crisis and its aftermath—the agricultural sector showed growth.

· The impact of finances on the labor market: There may have been a spike in female participation as a result of the financial hardship that rural areas experienced from decreased fund flows and muted wage growth. But recent patterns of higher fund inflow and lower firm performance suggest that things may be turning around, which could have a good impact on job and income growth.

Recent Developments and Their Economic Implications

· Reviving the Financial Environment: New data points to potential economic recovery, including improvements in small business performance and rural credit growth.

· Sector with Healthier Performance: Reports highlight smaller companies' healthier performances in FMCG and other areas, which may indicate improved job and income prospects.

· Wage Growth and Economic Revival: Indicators of an improving employment and financial outlook, such as wage growth and increased credit flow via NBFCs in rural areas, suggest an improving economic environment that may have positive effects on labor force participation.

LTX Mains Question:

Q. "Examine the changing landscape of the Indian labour force, highlighting the economic implications and drivers behind the increased participation of women, especially in self-employed roles and the challenges posed by the lack of salaried employment."

{{Mounica Sukhavasi}}

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