Push for more women, this time in the police

GS 1: Society


Indian states must act since there aren't enough women in law enforcement, which hinders cases regarding women's issues.

Legislative Improvements for Women's Representation

· Constitutional Amendment: India is prepared to increase the participation of women in politics with the recent ratification of the 128th Amendment Bill, which reserves one-third of legislative seats for women.

· The amendment seeks to increase the participation of women in policymaking; however, it may be delayed due to the census and delimitation procedures.

· The bill includes seats for members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and extends to the House of the People, State Legislative Assemblies, and the Delhi Legislative Assembly.

The percentage of women who work for state police

· Gender Quotas: To increase representation, certain Indian states reserve 30% or 33% of police positions for women. However, not all governments follow this policy.

· Variable State Performance: Despite the fact that some states have quotas and others do not, women make up between 6% and 11% of the police forces in some states.

· Recruitment challenges: It is challenging to attain the 33% target due to the recruitment process as a whole and attrition rates, necessitating focused actions to increase women's presence.

The Importance of Women in Law Enforcement

· Criminal Cases: Because crimes against women make up a significant fraction of all cases, having more female police officers is essential for effective law enforcement.

· Law and Order: The need for female police officers goes beyond matters of gender; they are also necessary for routine law enforcement duties.

· Police Reforms: The introduction of incentives has made it simpler to implement reforms, such as integrating women's police with regular forces.

LTX Mains Question

Q. Discuss the significance of having more women in government and law enforcement, as well as the challenges and potential solutions, to achieving gender parity.

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