Is the United Nations toothless in ending wars?

GS 2: International Relations


India's role limitations and the escalating Israel-Hamas conflict are threatened by the UN's diminishing influence in conflict resolution.

The UN's declining influence

· Post-Cold War Power Dynamics: The UN's ability to resolve conflicts has been hampered by significant power imbalances.

· Constraints on the UNSC Organization: The veto powers inherent in the UNSC's structure restrict its capacity to resolve disputes involving divergent national interests.

· Absence of Multilateral Framework: Force has been used as a result of the transition to a multipolar world without a corresponding multilateral framework.

Dynamics of the Israel-Hamas Conflict

· Under Netanyahu's divisive leadership, the conflict continues because of internal political obstacles.

· Restricted Arab Support: Gulf Arab states have little sympathy for the Palestinian cause and are reluctant to welcome Palestinian refugees.

· Efforts to resolve conflicts are made more difficult by the recent U.S. election, and the intended outcome of the Abraham Accords has not materialized.

India's Interests and Role

· Changing Indian Foreign Policy: India's changing foreign policy strikes a balance between historical stances and bilateral ties with important nations.

· India's Limited Ability to Mediate: Despite offering assistance and participating in diplomatic efforts, India has little ability to mediate the conflict.

· West Asian Interests and Constraints: India has a legitimate interest in the West Asian region, but the intricate dynamics at work limit its influence.

LTX Mains Question

Q. With particular reference to the Israel-Hamas conflict, discuss the factors that are leading to the United Nations' diminishing effectiveness in resolving conflicts. What obstacles does India have to overcome in order to act as a mediator in this situation?

{{Mounica Sukhavasi}}

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