An under-discussed facet of colonial history

GS 3: Economy


The unfinished business of nation-building in the island nation is further highlighted by the passing of the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Tamil indentured laborers in Sri Lanka.

Historical Background and Indentured Labor Migration

· Honoring the Arrival of Indentured Labor in Sri Lanka: Recently, Colombo celebrated the bicentennial of the arrival of Tamil indentured laborers in Sri Lanka, a momentous occasion commemorating a crucial period in the history of colonialism.

· Colonial Context and Indentured Labor Dynamics: The British Empire replaced slavery in its colonies with "indentured labor," which was exploited at the same time as the wave of liberal humanism swept through Europe.

· Obstacles and Fallacies Indentured Laborers Face: Workers under indenture were misled about their jobs, pay, and final destination, which resulted in a dangerous journey and debt upon arrival.

Plantation Life and Its Difficulties

· Adversities Faced by Indentured Laborers: Indentured laborers are forced to work in plantations without access to basic amenities or rights in harsh conditions in foreign countries.

· Discrimination and Exploitation of Tamils on Plantations: Tamils on plantations faced discrimination, denial of basic services, and exploitation by "kanganies," or subcontractors.

· Workers' Stateless Plight and Colonial Deprivation: The colonial system denied them the right to return after their service term, fair wages, and land ownership.

Post-Colonial Difficulties and the Identity Quest:

· Cultural Flexibility and Plantation Integration Tamils: Democratic parties have continued to work toward granting citizenship and democratic rights, and there are ongoing plans to turn laborers into landowners.

· Gains in Citizenship and Land Ownership: Democratic parties have worked to grant citizenship and democratic rights, and initiatives to make workers landowners are still in the works.

· Decolonization and the Search for an Inclusive National Identity: These two issues are still vital to Sri Lanka's nation-building, social and economic recovery, and post-colonial inclusive identity.

LTX Mains Question:

Q. Discuss the importance of decolonization and post-colonial countries' efforts to create inclusive national identities.

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